Showing 16 to 100 of 1969 entries
No. Subject Number of Signatures Tabled Referred to Minister(s) Date Referred Response Due Response Tabled
696-06 Rail Freight Yards at Parkinson 42 8/8/2006
695-06 Airport Link Project 1152 8/8/2006 Referred Minister 9/8/2006 8/9/2006
694-06 Lytton Quarantine Jetty 672 8/8/2006 Referred Minister 9/8/2006 8/9/2006
684-06 Second exit from Sumner Park Industrial Estate onto the Centenary Highway 433 9/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
683-06 Oppose Mary Valley dam and any plans for a dam in the Gympie Electorate 334 9/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
682-06 Protect the lives and homes of the people and animals of the Mary Valley, who are threatened by the dam at Traveston crossing 15353 9/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
681-06 Revise Integrated Planning Act 1997 481 9/6/2006
680-06 Pipeline from Baroon Pocket Dam to Caboolture 65 9/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
679-06 No bridges across the Brisbane River in the Westgate precinct 737 8/6/2006
678-06 Pipeline from Baroon Pocket Dam to Caboolture 280 8/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
677-06 Sound barriers along Caloundra Road from Pierce Avenue to Ridgewood Road, Little Mountain. 18 8/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
676-06 Excessive noise levels along Caloundra Road, Caloundra 8 8/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006
675-06 Truth in sentencing 7319 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
674-06 Abandon plans for the proposed dam at Traveston 755 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
673-06 Abandon plans for the proposed dam at Traveston 58 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
672-06 Removal of flying foxes from North Eton 195 7/6/2006
671-06 Removal of flying foxes from North Eton 130 7/6/2006
670-06 Upgrade the Warrego highway between Macalister and Warra 1675 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
669-06 Unjust maintenance fee charged to irrigators in the Warrill Creek 315 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
668-06 Tilley’s Bridge Dam – Rathdowney 2372 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006
667-06 Construction of a public swimming pool adjacent to the Kuranda High School 380 6/6/2006 Referred Minister 7/6/2006 7/7/2006
666-06 Save Eventide Aged Care Facility at Charters Towers 40 6/6/2006 Referred Minister 7/6/2006 7/7/2006
663-06 Abandon plans for the proposed dam at Traveston 228 26/5/2006 Referred Minister 31/5/2006 30/6/2006
662-06 Urgent addition of a fire station in the suburb of Redland Bay 783 26/5/2006 Referred Minister 31/5/2006 30/6/2006
661-06 Objection to proposed new legislation with Education (General Provisions) Bill 2006 changing the way religious instruction is delivered in State schools 118 26/5/2006 Referred Minister 31/5/2006 30/6/2006
658-06 Cairns Yacht Club and site 4533 24/5/2006 Referred Minister 25/5/2006 24/6/2006
657-06 Maintain the pedestrian crossing at Cartwright Street, Ingham 760 24/5/2006 Referred Minister 25/5/2006 24/6/2006
656-06 Oppose the building of a dam in the Mary Valley 760 24/5/2006 Referred Minister 25/5/2006 24/6/2006
655-06 Independent inquiry into the resourcing, funding and staffing of the Cairns Base Hospital Mental Health Unit 488 24/5/2006 Referred Minister 25/5/2006 24/6/2006
653-06 The historical Anzac memorial site at Panitya Street, Stones Corner not be affected by the planned Eastern Busway 75 10/5/2006 Referred Minister 11/5/2006 10/6/2006
652-06 High-density public housing plans – Carina Heights 268 10/5/2006 Referred Minister 11/5/2006 10/6/2006
651-06 Regulation of passenger vehicle ferry services to the Southern Moreton Bay Islands 810 10/5/2006
650-06 Objection to proposed new legislation with Education (General Provisions) Bill 2006 eroding the standing of religion in Queensland 47 10/5/2006 Referred Minister 11/5/2006 10/6/2006
649-06 Objection to proposed new legislation with Education (General Provisions) Bill 2006 changing the way religious instruction is delivered in State schools 555 10/5/2006 Referred Minister 11/5/2006 10/6/2006
648-06 Swimming enclosure for the southern end of Main Beach, Yeppoon 3066 9/5/2006 Referred Minister 10/5/2006 9/6/2006
647-06 Move the proposed Eastern Busway from adjacent to Buranda State School 76 9/5/2006 Referred Minister 10/5/2006 9/6/2006
644-06 Appoint an independent investigator and investigation team to fully investigate the deaths of Vicki Arnold and Julie-Anne Leahy 190 21/4/2006 Referred Minister 26/4/2006 26/5/2006
643-06 Daytime bus service for the route between Townsville and Mt Isa for the communities of Richmond, Hughenden, Julia Creek, Cloncurry and surrounding districts 388 20/4/2006 Referred Minister 21/4/2006 21/5/2006
642-06 Warning lights at Queensland Rail crossing Davidson Road south of Tully 360 20/4/2006 Referred Minister 21/4/2006 21/5/2006
641-06 Free public hospitals for all Queenslanders 439 20/4/2006 Referred Minister 21/4/2006 21/5/2006
640-06 Law and order – Southern Gold Coast 4798 19/4/2006 Referred Minister 20/4/2006 20/5/2006
639-06 Abolish unjust fees for water licences and allocations 430 19/4/2006 Referred Minister 20/4/2006 20/5/2006
637-06 Open a full emergency department at the Prince Charles Hospital 1652 30/3/2006 Referred Minister 31/3/2006 30/4/2006
636-06 Save Eventide Aged Care Facility at Charters Towers 2726 29/3/2006 Referred Minister 30/3/2006 29/4/2006
635-06 Bruce Highway signage, in the vicinity of the Parklands exit for traffic travelling north, instructing exhaust brakes not to be used for the following kilometre 94 29/3/2006 Referred Minister 30/3/2006 29/4/2006
634-06 Intoxication and chroming offences, treated as an offence in the same way as public drunkenness 1604 29/3/2006 Referred Minister 30/3/2006 29/4/2006
633-06 Adequate staffing by medical practitioners at the Caboolture Hospital 76 28/3/2006 Referred Minister 29/3/2006 28/4/2006
629-06 Free public hospitals for all Queenslanders 59 9/3/2006 Referred Minister 10/3/2006 9/4/2006
628-06 Construct, man, maintain and fully fund a 24 hour a day fire station in Nerang 5000 9/3/2006 Referred Minister 10/3/2006 9/4/2006
626-06 Camping area at Inskip Point not be reduced; consideration be given to increasing the area to alleviate crowding problems; and a consultative committee be formed to assist in planning future changes 2564 8/3/2006 Referred Minister 9/3/2006 8/4/2006
624-06 Establish a permanent training facility for defence force cadets on the Capricorn Coast at Yeppoon 364 2/3/2006 Referred Minister 3/3/2006 2/4/2006
623-06 Review of the Department of Child Safety’s handling of a matter 109 1/3/2006 Referred Minister 2/3/2006 1/4/2006
618-06 Fire Station for the southern part of Redland Shire 89 16/2/2006 Referred Minister 17/2/2006 19/3/2006
617-06 Need for establishment of a specialist legal service for people aged 60 years and over in Queensland 12 16/2/2006 Referred Minister 17/2/2006 19/3/2006
616-06 Reinstate ownership rights previously attached to freehold land under the Vegetation Management Act 1999 1546 16/2/2006 Referred Minister 17/2/2006 19/3/2006
615-06 Adequate staffing by medical practitioners at the Caboolture Hospital 9786 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
614-06 Provide a permanent full time dentist at the Ingham Hospital 878 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
613-06 Emergency funding to the Cardwell Shire Council to implement an Erosion Protection Program 240 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
612-06 Remove Option A from the Eastern Busway option assessment process 163 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
611-06 Objection to the section of the Bruce Highway upgrade proposal (S1) between Cooroy Connection Road and Pomona Connection Road 229 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
610-06 Continuation of fossicking in Queensland's State Forest areas 19 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006
602-05 The effects of Myodil and seeking costs of medical treatment and compensation 51 2/12/2005 Referred Minister 5/12/2005 4/1/2006
601-05 Withdrawal of Option A from Eastern Busway planning 443 2/12/2005
600-05 Reject all five proposed routes for a new highway between Cooroy and Curra and commission a new study 958 2/12/2005 Referred Minister 5/12/2005 4/1/2006
598-05 Daylight Savings Policy 16 1/12/2005 Referred Minister 2/12/2005 1/1/2006
597-05 Flying fox colonies in Edmonton 34 1/12/2005 Referred Minister 2/12/2005 1/1/2006
595-05 Remove the investigation area at Bridges from the South East Queensland Regional Plan for Industry 273 30/11/2005 Referred Minister 1/12/2005 31/12/2005
594-05 Upgrade main road west of Conondale 404 30/11/2005 Referred Minister 1/12/2005 31/12/2005
593-05 Flying fox colonies in Edmonton 78 30/11/2005 Referred Minister 1/12/2005 31/12/2005
591-05 Appoint an independent investigator and investigation team to fully investigate the deaths of Vicki Arnold and Julie-Anne Leahy 1364 29/11/2005 Referred Minister 30/11/2005 30/12/2005
590-05 Refuse permission for the proposed access ramp to be constructed from the Gateway Motorway at Hendra to the TradeCoast Central development site 70 23/11/2005 Referred Minister 24/11/2005 24/12/2005
589-05 Refuse permission for the proposed access ramp to be constructed from the Gateway Motorway at Hendra to the TradeCoast Central development site 57 23/11/2005 Referred Minister 24/11/2005 24/12/2005
588-05 Ensure the Kuranda Range Road upgrade is fast tracked for completion as a matter of urgency 1033 23/11/2005 Referred Minister 24/11/2005 24/12/2005
586-05 No formal community consultation run by the Department of Main Roads on their proposal to install traffic lights at four locations: Requesting the House to obtain DMR’s commitment to run a comprehensive community consultation process on each future occasion 1403 22/11/2005 Referred Minister 23/11/2005 23/12/2005
585-05 Stop the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service from issuing permits to groups of motorcyclists 85 22/11/2005
583-05 Discrimination against aged pensioners residing in leasehold retirement villages in Queensland paying local government rates 2404 10/11/2005
582-05 Anti-terror laws 23 10/11/2005 Referred Minister 11/11/2005 11/12/2005
581-05 Services provided at the Maryborough Base Hospital 8158 9/11/2005
580-05 International campaign against whaling 280 9/11/2005 Referred Minister 10/11/2005 10/12/2005
579-05 State control of the Douglas Shire Draft Planning Scheme 72 9/11/2005
574-05 The effects of Myodil and seeking costs of medical treatment and compensation 963 8/11/2005
573-05 Dangerous intersection, Pacific Paradise 3123 8/11/2005 Referred Minister 9/11/2005 9/12/2005
572-05 Dam under construction on the Burnett River to be named Paradise Dam or Lake Paradise 503 8/11/2005 Referred Minister 9/11/2005 9/12/2005
569-05 Bridge to Russell Island 888 27/10/2005 Referred Minister 28/10/2005 27/11/2005
568-05 Investigate the gaming profits at the Logan and District Services Club t/a 25 27/10/2005 Referred Minister 28/10/2005 27/11/2005
567-05 Investigate the Board of Directors of the Logan and District Services Club, t/a 30 27/10/2005 Referred Minister 28/10/2005 27/11/2005
566-05 Development of rail freight yards at Parkinson 808 27/10/2005
565-05 Remove the Gladstone Civic Theatre from the Queensland Heritage list 2664 26/10/2005
564-05 Driver testing services restored to Queenslanders in places such as Dimbulah 295 26/10/2005
563-05 Driver testing services are restored to the level of service Malanda and district was receiving 120 26/10/2005
562-05 Appoint an independent investigator and investigation team to fully investigate the deaths of Vicki Arnold and Julie-Anne Leahy 2943 26/10/2005 Referred Minister 27/10/2005 26/11/2005
561-05 Oppose proposed modifications to intersections at Tooloona St and Kitchener St, Tugun 119 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
560-05 Fire Station for the southern part of Redland Shire 628 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
559-05 Installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Cleveland-Redland Bay Road and Magnolia Parade 195 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
557-05 Remove the investigation area at Bridges from the South East Queensland Regional Plan for Industry 317 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
556-05 Dangerous state of the Kenilworth Eumundi Road 312 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
555-05 Removal of bats from Charters Towers 3327 25/10/2005 Referred Minister 26/10/2005 25/11/2005
552-05 Investigate the administration of an election petition brought in respect of the 2004 State general election 1 6/10/2005 Referred Minister 11/10/2005 10/11/2005
551-05 Prevent the proposed residential and golf course development behind Montville 1993 5/10/2005 Referred Minister 6/10/2005 5/11/2005
550-05 Additional funding and resources for the Gladstone Base Hospital 252 5/10/2005 Referred Minister 6/10/2005 5/11/2005
Showing 1501 to 1600 of 1969 entries