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External Links

  • Commonwealth Parliamentary Library
    Information available includes current and historical information about senators and members, ministries, elections and referendums. Also gives access to the Library's Bills Digests, background Papers, Current Issues Briefs, Research Notes, Research Papers and e-Briefs.
  • Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
    The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is an Association of Members of Commonwealth Parliaments. It fosters co-operation and understanding among them and promotes the study of and respect for Parliament.
  • Ministerial Media Statements
  • Pandora Archive
    National Library of Australia site: archives web pages of candidates, political parties, media etc, for state and federal election campaigns dating back to 1996.
  • Parliament at Work
    Designed for use by teachers and students, Parliament@Work provides information about all nine Australian parliaments, their members and their electorates, as well as Australian political parties.
  • ASPG
    The Australasian Study of Parliament Group (Qld) (ASPG) is a non-partisan body which encourages and stimulates research, writing and teaching about parliamentary institutions in Australia. Information provided on Membership, Papers and Seminars