Since 1994, committees of the Parliament have undertaken the estimates process, which is one of the key mechanisms to examine government expenditure, performance and effectiveness. It holds ministers to account and provides a level of transparency to the public. Budget Estimates aids the Parliament in its scrutiny of the Government's proposed expenditure by examining and reporting on the proposed expenditures contained in the Appropriation Bill and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill.

In 2024 the examination of the Appropriation Bill will be carried out by the 7 portfolio committees, with each committee examining the budget estimates of its responsible portfolios. The examination of the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill will be carried out by the Cost of Living and Economics Committee.

During the estimates process (from 22 July 2024 to 1 August 2024), each portfolio committee will hold a public hearing at which the Speaker and Ministers (and certain senior public servants and officers) will be questioned regarding the proposed expenditures for the relevant portfolio areas. Other Members of the Legislative Assembly who are not members of the committee may also ask questions.

The dates of portfolio committee public hearings are set out below.

Information on the 2024 budget process will be available on each committee's Estimates inquiry page by clicking on the Consideration of 2024/25 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details links below. The hearing schedule for each committee can be accessed by clicking on the relevant date and also on the individual committee's Estimates inquiry page. These links will be provided as they become available. 

When the committee’s hearings are completed, the committee members meet, discuss the information gained and compile a report for tabling in Parliament. Reports are to be tabled by 9 August 2024. The reports are then debated by the Parliament as part of its consideration of the Appropriation Bills.

Estimates hearings will be broadcast live via the main Parliament.TV page.

Portfolio Committee


Cost of Living and Economics Committee

    • Speaker

    Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

    22 July 2024

    Cost of Living and Economics Committee

      • Premier
      • Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

      Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details » 

      23 July 2024

      Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing Committee

        • Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
        • Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works
        • Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        24 July 2024

         Health, Environment and Agriculture Committee

        • Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women
        • Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities
        • Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        25 July 2024

         Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee

        • Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
        • Minister for Police and Community Safety
        • Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services 

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        26 July 2024

         Clean Economy Jobs, Resources and Transport Committee

        • Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs
        • Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals
        • Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services 

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        30 July 2024

         Community Support and Services Committee

        • Minister for Treaty, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Minister for Communities and Minister for the Arts
        • Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Multicultural Affairs
        • Minister for Tourism and Sport

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        31 July 2024

         Education, Employment, Training and Skills Committee

        • Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice
        • Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development

        Consideration of 2024/2025 portfolio budget estimates inquiry details »

        1 August 2024

        Further information will be placed on each committee’s inquiry page when it is available.

        Estimates transcripts will also be available from the Records of Proceedings webpages. Go to this link and click on the date of the hearing in 2024 to access the transcript:

        For more information see the Estimates Committees fact sheet 3.12.