In the Spotlight: Parliamentary Committees - Friday 15 October 2021

A live-streamed discussion, with audience Q&A, about the impact of portfolio committees in Queensland


Queensland Parliament has a unique portfolio committee system. We celebrated its 10 year anniversary with a deep dive into why committees exist and the important role they play in the democratic process.

Host of the event Hon Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, was joined by former members Hon Judy Spence and Hon Lawrence Springborg AM, and current member Ms Sandy Bolton MP, Member for Noosa.

Panelists shared insights about the committee process, their role and impact, and answered questions from the public via a live Facebook stream and from those in attendance in the room.


Transcript: In the Spotlight: Parliamentary Committees - Friday 15 October 2021 


Watch the live-streamed discussion here: Queensland Parliament - YouTube channel