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The fact sheets are categorised on the basis of knowledge and educational levels.

Division of Government
A factsheet about how responsibilities are divided between our local, state and federal governments. 

Elections and Referendums
Factsheets about by-elections and referendums

Executive Government
Information about the role of the Premier, Cabinet, Executive Council and the Public Sector.

The role of the Judiciary explained.

The roles, functions and structure of Parliament explained, including the Legislative Process, the Financial Process, Parliamentary Committees and the Abolition of the Upper House.

System of Government 
The separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The role of the Governor.

Political Representation
Information about Queensland’s first Premier, first Indigenous Member, women in the Queensland Parliament, State and Territory Parliaments our system of political representation.

Your Role in Democracy
Factsheets about how you can make a difference and the role of the media and pressure groups.

Parliamentary Education
Information about the Parliament’s education services and a list of useful websites.




