The Parliamentary Service maintains contact details of all surviving former members. For privacy reasons, these details are not published. Persons with a legitimate need to contact a former member may contact the Parliamentary Service at or 3553 6456 for more information.

Queensland Former Parliamentary Member’s Association (QFPMA)

The association aims to assist former members of the Queensland Parliament to continue the associations they established as members of Parliament.

About the QFPMA

We are an association of former members of the Queensland Parliament that believe in the value of continuing relationships built in the Parliament, and maintaining the connection and contribution to the Parliament as former members.

Serving the community as a member of the Queensland Parliament is a privilege afforded by the people to a limited group. It is this shared experience and appreciation that draws many former members back to the Parliament to share in the camaraderie of mixing with others in this limited group, and the Parliament more broadly, in a nonpartisan manner.

The Queensland Former Parliamentary Members Association (QFPMA) meets regularly for both formal and informal discussions between former members, as well as hosting our Annual Achievement Awards recognising the lifetime contribution of former members, an Annual Christmas Luncheon and the Annual General Meeting. The QFPMA also aims to create opportunities for the wider community to experience the People’s House by engaging with local, grassroots organisations to host events of interest.

QFMPA members are also provided with a lapel badge recognising their status as a former member.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is the Patron of the QFPMA and we are also kindly supported by the Clerk and Deputy-Clerk of the Queensland Parliament if we raise issues on behalf of our members.

For more information about the QFPMA or becoming a member, please contact our President or our Secretary, or email

To keep up to date with the latest, join the private Facebook and LinkedIn groups exclusively for former members of the Queensland Parliament. To join our mailing list for events as a non-member, contact our Secretary.

Executive Committee

Glen Elmes


Mr Glen Elmes
MP for Noosa (2006 - 2017)
Phone 0400 800 114

Hon Pat Comben AM
Vice President

Hon Pat Comben AM 
MP for Kedron, Windsor (1983 – 1995)

Mr Wayne Wendt

Vice President

Mr Wayne Wendt 
MP for Ipswich West (2006 – 2012)

Dr Dennis Young AM


Dr Dennis Young AM 
MP for Baroona (1974 – 1977)

Committee Members