Community wellbeing achieved through access to, and participation in, arts and cultural activities.

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Bronwyn Jewell
PO Box 904
Total Signatures - 226
Sponsoring Member: Grace Grace MP
Posting Date: 23/1/2008
Closing Date: 30/6/2008
Tabled Date: 27/8/2008
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draw to the attention of the House the need to create opportunities for arts, and community development organisations to work together to address social issues effecting young people, the aged, immigrants and other marginalised groups. The Choir of Hard Knocks, directed by renowned artist, Jonathan Welch, has proved that participation in the arts can greatly benefit people experiencing social disadvantage. Since the demise of the Queensland Community Arts Network there is no organisation to take up the role to create these opportunities for the community sector nor to engage and support artists in this worthwhile work.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to provide the infrastructure support for arts and community development organisations to partner on this vital work for the wellbeing of our community.

Community wellbeing achieved through access to, and participation in, arts and cultural activities.