Improved management of companion animals

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Pamela Brandis
23-25 Licuala Drive
Total Signatures - 466
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 14/11/2019
Closing Date: 14/2/2020
Tabled Date: 18/2/2020
Responded By: Hon Mark Furner MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents draws to the attention of the House:  about the massive oversupply of cats and dogs and that we cannot accept the euthanising of approximately two hundred thousand healthy companion animals each year in Australia.

There is no database system in place for accurate numbers and figures may be higher.

Dogs Queensland officially have 696 registered breeders, Gumtree and other sites have hundreds more in Queensland.

There have been four fatal dog attacks on humans from March 2018 – July 2019 in Australia. According to The Australian Companion Animal Council between 201 – 2013 more than one hundred thousand persons in Australia were attacked by dogs, fourteen thousand requiring treatment or surgery. Indicating how little people in general understand dogs, when knowledge could have prevented many bites. Bearing in mind that our canine friends service the country, communities and individuals.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

·         Find proactive solutions to stop the unrestricted breeding and selling of companion animals by limiting the number of breeders and conducting breeder inspections.

·         Mandatory de-sexing as in the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia if not a licensed breeder and fines for non-compliance.

·         Prohibit the advertising of animals on sites such as Gumtree and the Trading Post as animals are not goods or services.

·         Education for dog owners, potential dog owners and the general public.

·         Harsher penalties for animal neglect and abuse.