Herberton to Irvinebank Road, upgrade

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Barry Day
1445 Herberton-Petford Road
Total Signatures - 392
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 16/6/2017
Tabled Date: 16/6/2017
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents, of the Atherton Tablelands, draws to the attention of the House, the urgent upgrade required for the Herberton to Irvinebank Road. This road is a main arterial road connecting the communities of Watsonville and Irvinebank and extends through to Petford require immediate attention to upgrade the road to a sealed standard. Every year this road deteriorates to an un-useable standard that requires continuous grading however this causes rocks to project out through the road which leads to significant vehicle damage and unsafe driving. Herberton-Petford Road is also a designated school bus route that places children's lives at risk.

Since February this year there have been seven reported accidents. Five of the accidents resulted in personal injury. These statistics do not take into account unreported accidents. All road users fear for their safety when travelling this road due to the poor conditions.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to prioritise the immediate upgrade to a sealed standard for the Herberton to Irvinebank Road.