Powerlink Queensland's proposed Wandoan South to Eurombah Coal seam gas transmission network project and transmission network extension in north west Surat

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Kerry Ladbrook
2585 Clifford Road
Total Signatures - 593
Sponsoring Member: Howard Hobbs MP
Posting Date: 15/2/2013
Closing Date: 8/4/2013
Tabled Date: 16/4/2013
Responded By: Hon Mark McArdle MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the lack of public component in the projects detailed below. Initiated by APLNG (Origin) and Santos GLNG to establish direct connections into the high voltage Transmission Electricity Network for CSG processing facilities the following projects solely benefit and profit privately owned companies and their shareholders.

• Yuleba North, Clifford Creek, Dinoun South and Eurombah Substations
• Wandoan South to Yuleba North transmission line
• Yuleba North to Clifford Creek transmission line
• Yuleba North to Dinoun South transmission line
• Yuleba North to Eurombah transmission line project
• Blythedeale, Fairview & Fairview South Switching Stations
• Yuleba North to Blythedale Transmission Line
• Eurombah to Fairview Transmission Line


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

• Designate these Projects listed on this petition as Private Infrastructure and reject Powerlink's application for Community Infrastructure.
• Place these projects under the jurisdiction of the Co-ordinator General and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 due to the private nature and the compensation deficiencies and unworkability of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967.
• Apply a commensurate compensation regime that applies  to other private CSG projects including, but not limited to legal, valuation, accountancy, time, production-construction-devaluation impacts through-out the life of project, ongoing annual payments,  miscellaneous costs, and a meaningful consultation/negotiation framework for affected landholders on all tenure types during the consultation period whether the projects proceed or not.
• Ensure appropriate codes of conduct are agreed upon and signed prior to entry onto affected landholdings by Powerlink employees and contractors.

Powerlink Queensland's proposed Wandoan South to Eurombah Coal seam gas transmission network project and transmission network extension in north west Surat