Give residents the opportunity to state an opinion on whether they wish to amalgamate with other shires

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Barbara Landsberg
198 Abel's Road
Lower Wonda QLD 4570
Total Signatures - 131
Sponsoring Member: Jeff Seeney MP
Posting Date: 14/2/2008
Tabled Date: 14/2/2008
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the Shire of Kilkivan draws to the attention of the House the removal of any democratic right of residents of the shire to voice an opinion on amalgamating with other shires.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to give residents the opportunity to state an opinion on whether they wish to amalgamate with other shires.