Eudlo to Palmwoods rail line upgrade to follow the existing corridor

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Clive Plater
PO Box 111
Eudlo QLD 4554
Total Signatures - 546
Sponsoring Member: Peter Wellington MP
Posting Date: 12/2/2008
Tabled Date: 12/2/2008
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that the signatories to this petition want the Eudlo to Palmwoods rail line upgrade to follow the existing corridor with localised realignments where required as per the precedent set with the Caboolture to Seerburrum and Beerburrum to Landsborough sections.

This option utilizes the optimum amount of Railway and Government land, minimizes the impact on private property, can be accomplished using Queensland Rail design guidelines and presents the best opportunity to improve local roads.

We believe this option would have a substantially lower cost than any other option with far less social impact and maintain the amenity of the local area.

This option maintains a rail service to the Eudlo community, especially relied upon by the young and the elderly for transport. Having a rail station in town helps the viability of the local general store which is a corner stone of the community.

We acknowledge that the Government is yet to receive the consultants report on the preferred corridor.

Your Petitioners therefore request the House to ensure that the Minister for Transport gives full consideration to our preferred option and when the Minister receives the consultant's report it is thoroughly scrutinised and this petition is taken into account.