Forced mental health care

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Janice Taylor
PO Box 726
Tolga QLD 4882
Total Signatures - 2950
Sponsoring Member: Rosa Lee Long MP
Posting Date: 11/10/2007
Tabled Date: 11/10/2007
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This Petition of the residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the house the present situation in which any person is able to force any other person in to mental health care, regardless of that person's wishes. Further that once a person has been subject to mental health care, they are continually subject to harassment from mental health "professionals" and forced to endure a drugged state of existence.

Your petitioners therefore request the House consider that it be made an offence for any person to force any other person to endure mental health "care" against that person's own wishes. Also, that when in the care of mental health professionals a person be informed of all possible options for management of their care, including natural and nutritional therapies as opposed to drug-based treatment. In the case of an acute circumstance, where someone may be in a non-communicative state, the person be treated first by a G.P., General Hospital or Medical Centre until such time as they are able to communicate their wishes.