More aide hours to prep classes in Queensland schools

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Sharon Letizia
PO Box 300
Mourilyan QLD 4858
Total Signatures - 221
Sponsoring Member: Andrew Cripps MP
Posting Date: 21/8/2007
Tabled Date: 21/8/2007
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of Citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the reduction of aide teacher hours allocated to prep classes in Queensland State Schools.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to increase aide teacher hours to insure the safety of 4-5 yrs old students in Queensland State Schools and to facilitate the educational and social benefits of full time prep.

This age group needs constant supervision and support. They need support in basic needs such as toilet and personal hygiene. They need behaviour problems addressed and strategies implemented. The teacher needs to be able to concentrate on the educational program rather than these issues therefore negating the educational benefit of full time prep. .

We the petitioners beg for consideration of our petition on which we have obtained signatures, to allocate more aide hours to our prep classes in Queensland Schools.