Traffic volume and noise issues Delancey, Russell and Wellington Streets Cleveland

Eligibility - Citizens of the Electoral Division of Bowman
Principal Petitioner:
B Lamont
Wellington Street (PO Box 314)
Cleveland QLD 4163
Total Signatures - 113
Sponsoring Member: Mr Darryl Briskey MP
Posting Date: 12/9/2002
Tabled Date: 3/9/2002
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of the Electoral Division of Bowman draws to the
attention of the house that:

A. the traffice volume and noise generated by the traffic using Delancey,
Russell and Wellington Streets in Cleveland, Redland Shire exceeds
traffic projections and acceptable noise levels.

B. this volume of traffic is unacceptable for a residential area.

Your petitioners therefore request the house to:

Undertake a review of the local road network with a view to constructing
an environmentally friendly bypass to substantially reduce reduce traffic
on Delancey, Russell and Wellington Streets as a matter of urgency (ie.
within six months of the date of this petition).