Suspension of Dr Patrick Lip of Wondai

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Leo Seiler
263 MP Creek Road
Wondai QLD 4608
Total Signatures - 693
Sponsoring Member: Dolly Pratt MP
Posting Date: 7/2/2007
Tabled Date: 7/2/2007
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House concerning the suspension of Dr. Patrick Lip of Wondai that Dr. Lip has practiced in Wondai for many years and as far as your petitioners are aware has an unblemished record with no other tragic fatalities having occurred. He has also saved many lives with his diagnostic abilities when other doctors failed and we, the undersigned, wish to publicise our complete confidence in Dr Lip.

Because of this past unblemished record, your petitioners request that Dr. Patrick Lip be allowed to continue practicing until such time as a final decision is reached concerning this matter and a replacement doctor be put on notice now to take his place in the event the Qld Medical Board’s findings go against Dr Lip.