Pinkenba Waste Transfer Station

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Gary Hooper
55 Esker Street
Pinkenba QLD 4008
Total Signatures - 164
Sponsoring Member: Tim Nicholls MP
Posting Date: 6/2/2007
Tabled Date: 6/2/2007
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House to the dust nuisance caused by the operation of the Pinkenba Waste Transfer Station on land owned by Queensland Rail at 127 Eagle Farm Road, Pinkenba.
Your petitioners therefore request the House
1. Immediately direct Queensland Rail to acquire the existing lease of the land at 127 Eagle Farm Road, Pinkenba at a commercial price and cancel the lease;
2. Not allow any further expansion of the leased area for a Waste Transfer Station;
3. Direct the Environmental Protection Agency to take all steps necessary to immediately cause the operator of the Transfer Station to cease any activity that generates dust or causes nuisance to local residents.