Adoption of the Oil Depletion Protocol

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Cameron Leckie
19 Dunbil Avenue
Ferny Hills QLD 4055
Total Signatures - 235
Sponsoring Member: Andrew McNamara
Posting Date: 31/10/2006
Closing Date: 30/3/2007
Tabled Date: 17/4/2007
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Peak Oil is the term used to describe the peaking of global oil production. After the peak, there will be a gradual, but irreversible decline in the world’s oil production. There is a high probability that this will occur within the next decade.

Currently only about 1 barrel of oil is being discovered for every 5 or 6 extracted, and according to Chevron Texaco, 33 of the 48 significant oil-producing nations worldwide are experiencing declining production. Oil production in the USA peaked in 1971, the UK in 1999 and Australia in 2001.

The impact of peak oil on nations such as Australia will include:
- increased costs for the production of goods and services;
- inflation;
- unemployment;
- reduced demand for products other than oil; and
- lower capital investment.

Peak oil provides the world with a significant problem, as the global demand for oil is continuing to increase. If, as is currently the case, we do not manage the transition to a post peak oil society, we risk the collapse of our economic system, social upheaval and conflict over the remaining oil.

Action required

To avoid this future, the petiioners request that the Queensland Government adopt the Oil Depletion Protocol (, as proposed by Dr Colin Campbell (a world renowned geologist and peak oil expert), as a matter of urgency to ensure a bright future for Queensland.

Adoption of the Oil Depletion Protocol