Water recycling

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Kathleen Dennis
26 Callemonda Road
Brooloo QLD 4570
Total Signatures - 531
Sponsoring Member: Elisa Roberts MP
Posting Date: 19/7/2006
Closing Date: 18/8/2006
Tabled Date: 11/10/2006
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Citizens draws to the attention of the House to not support dams as a means of water supply in this State.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to put a complete halt to any plans to construct any new dams and to implement a policy of recycling of water as its source of water for this State, in particular South East Queensland.
Your petitioners therefore request the House, to construct recycling plants, to recycle water, which has proven successful in many countries, and which has a far less negative impact on landowners and the environment.

Water recycling - Not to support dams as a means of water supply in this State