Need for establishment of a specialist legal service for people aged 60 years and over in Queensland

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Y Zardani OAM
Australian Pensioners' and Superannuants League Qld Inc
Total Signatures - 12
Sponsoring Member: Anna Bligh MP
Posting Date: 16/2/2006
Tabled Date: 16/2/2006
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House: the urgent-need for a specialist community-
based legal service aimed at meeting the needs of older Australians. Currently 16% of the population is aged 60 years and
over. People in this sector of the community can be vulnerable to a variety of forms of abuse including physical and financial
abuse and often have health problems that make it impossible for them to access mainstream legal service. Many other
sectors of the community have legal services catering to their specific needs. There is no reason that older people should
not have access to a service addressing their specific needs.

Older Australians’ access to justice is hampered by a lack of legal and social supports. A community legal service staffed
by legal and other professionals with expertise in the areas of law relevant to this sector is essential. .

Your petitioners therefore request the House to: establish a specific community-based legal service to:

• deliver legal advice and assistance to people over 60 years of age residing in urban and rural Queensland;
• to undertake community and professional education with the aim of increasing awareness of problems such as the
domestic violence and financial abuse confronting older people;
• to undertake case-work that will advance the interests of this sector of the community;
• to monitor and advocate for law reform impacting on older people.