Montville Country Club

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Bryan McLennan
PO Box 3
Total Signatures - 2172
Sponsoring Member: Howard Hobbs MP
Posting Date: 25/1/2006
Closing Date: 21/2/2006
Tabled Date: 11/5/2006
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House the proposed Montville residential/golf course development which was given preliminary approval by the Maroochy Shire Council but subsequently called-in by the Premier. We believe the call-in may have been unduly influenced by petitions instigated by a small group of Sunshine Coast residents who do not represent the majority of Montville residents and businesses. It has come to our attention that petitions prepared by the group were defective, partly as a result of a lack of information provided to petitioners. We disagree with the petitioners and support the Council’s reasons for endorsing an expansion of Montville's urban footprint. The development will be a green, fully sewered. environmentally self-sustainable, golfing and residential community, barely visible to passing visitors to Montville. It will be national model for community non-dependence on State or local government water supply, sewerage and other infrastructure services. Its impact will be minimized by its implementation in stages over ten years, and will provide Range residents with the variety of dwelling styles that are needed and not available.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to take into account the increased employment, and the economic and social benefits that the project will deliver to the Maroochy Shire and SE Queensland, and the over 1000 local residents and businesses of the Blackall range who support this proposal, by calling on the State Government to endorse the Maroochy Council approval.

Montville Country Club: Requesting the House to endorse the Maroochy Council approval for the proposed Montville residential/golf course development