Upgrade main road west of Conondale

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
I Fleiter
2138 Maleny Kenilworth Road
Total Signatures - 404
Sponsoring Member: Carolyn Male MP
Posting Date: 30/11/2005
Tabled Date: 30/11/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the
House: The disgraceful and dangerous state of the main road west of

Your petitioners therefore request the House to: Widen the bitumen road.
Bring it up to a standard where it is safe for the general public and
especially school buses to travel on. The budget has granted $100,000 to
upgrade the road on the eastern side of Conondale. We want that money
plus more spent on the western side of Conondale.