Investigate the gaming profits at the Logan and District Services Club t/a

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
W Burton
5/10 Croydon Road
Total Signatures - 25
Sponsoring Member: Desley Scott MP
Posting Date: 27/10/2005
Tabled Date: 27/10/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House
that a Substantial Injustice and a Denial of Natural Justice has taken
place regarding the Board of Directors of the Logan and District Services
Club T/a “The Diggers” 42 Blackwood Road Woodridge by not providing the
funding to the Logan and Districts RSL Sub Branch as per the Constitution
of the Services Club.

(a) In 1995/6 the club suffered a major theft of $200,000 gaming funds.

(b) 24th April 1996 26 RSL War Veterans, members of the Logan and
District RSL Sub branch that founded the Diggers Club were denied Natural
Justice when their Services Club Membership was terminated for life for
signing a petition to reform the security of Gaming management.

(c) At the 2005 AGM of the Services Club the Sub Branch RSL veterans,
challenged the correctness of the Service Associate Vote at the AGM,
however the checking of the Service associate vote was denied on advice
of the club Solicitor. There is evidence that a Substantial Injustice has
occurred and bogus voting has taken place to elect the incumbent board
for another 12 months.

(d) In 1999 the Club's Board of directors refused to carry out the
objects of the constitution by ceasing all funding to the RSL Resource
Centre and to the RSL Sub Branch, thus causing the project to collapse.

Your petitioners, therefore request the House to give urgent
consideration to appoint Inspectors from the Office of Gaming Regulations
to investigate a Substantial Injustice regarding of the gaming profits at
the Logan and District Services Club t/a “the Diggers” and a denial of
justice to RSL Sub Branch War Veterans.