Appoint an independent investigator and investigation team to fully investigate the deaths of Vicki Arnold and Julie-Anne Leahy

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
V Arnold
27 Crisp Close
Total Signatures - 2943
Sponsoring Member: Rosa Lee Long MP
Posting Date: 27/10/2005
Tabled Date: 26/10/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of the people of the State of Queensland draws to the
attention of the House the uncertainty surrounding the deaths of Vicki
Arnold and Julie-Anne Leahy near Atherton in 1991. New evidence in
relation to these deaths as been presented on national television, in the
national press, in State and local media and on radio.

Your petitioners therefore respectfully request that the House appoint an
independent investigator and investigation team from outside the State of
Queensland to fully investigate all the known facts surrounding these
deaths and new evidence that has been recently released. To then prepare
a full and comprehensive report to be placed before the Chief Coroner of
Queensland for his investigation, assessment and compilation of a report
to be placed before this House.