Translink decision to not permit Connex buslines use Woolloongabba Busway

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
K Sapsford
Locked Bag 40
Total Signatures - 47
Sponsoring Member: Michael Choi MP
Posting Date: 18/8/2005
Closing Date: 24/8/2005
Tabled Date: 25/8/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House: We have
recently been notified by several Woolloongabba public transport users
that our Redlands bus company (Connex) will be unable to "peel off" and
deliver passengers to Woolloongabba - at all. We may in fact be dropped
off short of our required destination and be expected to wait for a
connecting bus to eventually get us to work. Many passengers already use
a connecting bus to get to Capalaba before boarding the bus into
Woolloongabba and the City.

In these days of supposedly “seamless” business operations it seems like
a step backwards to implement transportation arrangements that will
require some commuters to use 6 different buses to get to and from their
workplace in one day.

Work has also commenced on a new development on the comer of Ipswich Road
and Stanley Street which will even further increase the number of
commuters needing to get to Woolloongabba.

We would like to petition the State Government to take steps to allow
Connex buses to be able to use the Woolloongabba Busway for the
convenience of constituents in the Redland Shire.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to oppose and quash the
TransLink decision to disallow Connex buses to use Woolloongabba Busway.

Translink decision to not permit Connex buslines use Woolloongabba
Busway: Requesting the House to oppose and quash the TransLink
decision to disallow Connex buses to use Woolloongabba Busway