Grievances relating to traffic regulation affecting residents of the Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road service road between Reuben Street and California Creek Road Cornubia

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Springwood
Principal Petitioner:
J Emerson
Gloria Street
Total Signatures - 47
Sponsoring Member: Barbara Stone MP
Posting Date: 9/8/2005
Tabled Date: 9/8/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the Division of Springwood draws to the attention of the House grievances relating to traffic
regulation affecting residents of the Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road service road between Reuben Street and California
Creek Road Cornubia and the adjoining streets that lead to and from the service road, in particular an unacceptable
number of acts by some motorists as follows–

• Fail to stop at the Stop sign at the intersection of the service road on-ramp and Reuben St
• Speeding well in excess of the 50km limit
• Doing burnouts

This has meant that the quiet enjoyment of this residential area has been seriously disturbed by traffic violators, has lead
to the death of domestic pets and native fauna as well, and will eventually lead to serious injury or death of an innocent

Your petitioners also draw the attention of the House to the unacceptable level of interference with residents’ motor
vehicles including, but not restricted to, the theft and torching of local vehicles.

Lastly, your petitioners draw the attention of the House to the excessive noise that comes from Beenleigh-Redland Bay
Road proper due to the lack of traffic sound barriers which impacts negatively on the quiet enjoyment of this residential

Your petitioners therefore request the House to–

• Increase the number of police patrols in the area
• Implement traffic calming solutions
• Conduct an education campaign for local youth on safe driving practices
• Install effective traffic noise barriers on Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road