Channel 10 Big Brother program

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Pastor G Gray
Chairperson of Redlands Ministers Fellowship
Total Signatures - 581
Sponsoring Member: Michael Choi MP
Posting Date: 7/7/2005
Closing Date: 1/9/2005
Tabled Date: 28/9/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw the attention of the House to the serious
concerns they have in regard to the negative impact the television
program Big Brother inflicts on society’s impressionable youth. The Big
Brother program is extremely offensive when extremes of lewd behaviour
are viewed by vulnerable and curious adolescents who perceive from this
exposure that offensive behaviour is an acceptable standard within our
communities. It is not acceptable that our youth are interpreting lewd
behaviour as a normal way of life.

This petition of your citizens request that the Government: withdraw all
funding provided to the Big Brother program; instigate an immediate
review of television censorship guidelines to be undertaken by the
appropriate authorities; that Channel 10 remove the uncut version or at
the very least reschedule the uncut and daily timeslots to ensure the
program is not aired when there is the remotest chance that our
communities younger viewers will be exposed to its content.

Channel 10 Big Brother program: Requesting
the House withdraw all funding to the
program; review television censorship
guidelines; remove the uncut version or
reschedule to ensure the program is not
aired when younger views will be exposed