Wild Rivers

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
R Norris
12 Pryde Street
Total Signatures - 189
Sponsoring Member: Jason O'Brien
Posting Date: 10/5/2005
Closing Date: 31/5/2005
Tabled Date: 7/6/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the need to ensure the Wild Rivers Bill, if passed, doesn’t
impinge on the basic rights of the people who live in the catchments of any proposed Wild River. Many of the rivers,
particularly those of Cape York Peninsula, proposed to be declared Wild Rivers in the election policy commitment are not
uninhabited wilderness areas. These catchments are traditional country for many indigenous peoples and Europeans
have lived for many generations on this land. Both have been caring for the environment and utilising the natural
resources in a sustainable way as evidenced by the excellent environmental status the Wild Rivers declaration seeks to

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to modify the Bill to

1.amend the purpose of the Wild Rivers Bill by removing or almost all. The policy was designed to protect Queensland’s
pristine rivers. Something cannot be almost pristine and should not be construed as almost wild;

2.ensure the continuing sustainable economic development of Australia’s Indigenous and non-indigenous People who
currently live in river catchments likely to be declared Wild Rivers in Queensland by requiring that the declaration of a Wild
River be declared to be subordinate legislation and so require a regulatory impact assessment. This assessment will
ensure that each declaration proposed will be required to access the impacts to local communities and economies.

3.introduce a requirement for local community support for a Wild River declaration of an area prior to its nomination.

Wild Rivers: Requesting the House amend
the purpose of the Wild Rivers Bill, ensure
the continued sustainable economic
development of Indigenous and non-
indigenous People who currently live in river
catchments and introduce a requirement for
local community support for a Wild River