Relocate proposed construction of an ambulance station to a more appropriate area

Eligibility - Hon Terry Mackenroth MP
Principal Petitioner:
M Cowie
83 Ferguson Road
Total Signatures - 244
Sponsoring Member: Queensland residents
Posting Date: 23/3/2005
Tabled Date: 23/3/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of Camp Hill draws to the attention of the
House, our opposition to the development of an Emergency Services
Precinct at the junction of Wiles Street and Ferguson Road, adjacent to
the busy roundabout where these streets meet Perth Street and Stanley
Road. The Camp Hill State School, Infants’ School, Preschool, Community
Kindergarten and Mount Bruce Scout Group are located within the site
making the area a child centred, educational precinct. Wiles Street,
Ferguson and Old Cleveland Roads are heavily congested especially at peak
times. These and surrounding streets are substantially narrowed when
parents deliver or collect children from school. Blind spots pose major
safety concerns for young children especially during emergencies. Siren
noise throughout the day will impact on the education and well being of
the children and on the peace of the local community at all times. The
relocation of the community kindergarten will endanger mature trees of
significant cultural value. Independent valuer assessment indicates
property values may decline up to 20%. The decision to locate the
emergency services precinct was made with little or no community
consultation or environmental impact studies.

Your petitioners request the House to direct the construction of the
proposed ambulance station to a different site where its impact will be
minimised. The junction of Old Cleveland Road and Creek Road provides
the most appropriate access to all areas and has negligible noise and
safety concerns.