Scrap the new law requiring windows on parked vehicles to be fully closed in northern, central and western Queensland

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Charters Towers
Principal Petitioner:
W A Edmondson
8 New Queens Road
Total Signatures - 602
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 9/3/2005
Tabled Date: 9/3/2005
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This petition of the electors of Charters Towers draws the attention of
the House to the new law requiring windows on parked vehicles to be fully
closed, park brakes engaged and keys removed from the vehicle. This
takes no account of Queensland’s hot climate and the impact these laws
have, particularly on the elderly, the infirm and families with young

Your petitioners therefore request the House as a matter of urgency to
scrap the application and enforcement of these laws in northern, central
and western Queensland as they are impractical and contrary to basic
commonsense. Leaving windows slightly open stops temperature build up
which can reach in excess of 60C in closed vehicles in summer.

This law, if enforced, is an impediment upon our freedom and will hurt
law-abiding citizens who are not speeding, drink-driving, nor parking
illegally. Police efforts should be better focussed on deterring real