Curra deserves reliable power supply

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Celeste Rigby
58 Channon Street
Gympie QLD 4570
Total Signatures - 913
Sponsoring Member: Mr Tony Perrett MP
Posting Date: 25/1/2024
Closing Date: 29/2/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the frequent and unexplained power outages in Curra and surrounds.

The region has been subjected to 13 extended blackouts during December and January. These have not been caused by planned outages and weather events.  The outages lasted for up to days and occurred when the Government was warning residents to take precautions because of extreme heat waves.

This is creating massive health, personal, and financial hardship and significant risks.

Residents are vulnerable when fridges don’t work, medications which require temperature-controlled storage are compromised, home water pumps don’t work, personal hygiene is compromised, communications do not work, toilets do not flush, and essential home health care equipment do not work. When we cannot charge phones or devices, access TVs, we are cut off and left totally without any ability to communicate.

With soaring cost of living pressures, the last thing people need is lost productivity from an inability to work from home, unreliable medical equipment, and appliances or food lost.

This has been ongoing for years. Assurances to address problems are unreliable. Residents are paying for a connection and service they simply aren’t receiving.

The Government has promoted many renewable energy projects in this region including pumped hydro, wind farms, solar farms yet none of this power is destined for residents of Curra and the surrounds.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to urge the Minister to direct Ergon to immediately upgrade and establish infrastructure to ensure a sustainable and reliable service.