Sexually explicit publications

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Tine McDonald
PO Box 398
Total Signatures - 1699
Sponsoring Member: Mr Steve Andrew MP
Posting Date: 20/12/2023
Closing Date: 9/3/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House to the large number of sexually explicit publications held in public libraries and school resource centres that are not classified by the Australian Classification and may meet the definition of a ‘submittable publication’ as defined in The Classification Act 1995. Namely an unclassified publication that contains depictions or descriptions which: 

(a) are likely to cause the publication to be classified Refused Classification; 

(b) are likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult to the extent that the publication should not be sold or displayed as an unrestricted publication; and

(c) are unsuitable for a minor to see or read.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all within its power to ensure that:

1) All sexually explicit publications be held in a restricted area. 

2) Any minor who wishes to borrow sexually explicit publications be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

3) Legally Restricted Publications be removed fully from public library catalogues. 

4) Public libraries and school resource centres be audited for ‘Submittable Publications’, and where these are found, that they be submitted to the Classification Review Board.