Child Care Legislation

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
E Blaikie
Family Day Care Association Qld
Total Signatures - 313
Sponsoring Member: Pat Purcell MP
Posting Date: 4/11/2004
Closing Date: 10/11/2004
Tabled Date: 11/11/2004
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Family Day Care community of stakeholders draws to the attention of the House your petitioners difficulties with the
drafting of the Child Care Legislation,

Your petitioners therefore request the House to improve and clarify Child Care Legislation by implementing the following

• Move to include prep school children within the cohort of school age children and provide the sector with a Ministerial
ruling that clarifies this to the FDC Community.

• Define the 'home' to be a home based environment.

• Allow 3 or more carers to come together with up to 20 children including their own when: it is with the approval of the
scheme; at a place other than a residence; and there are appropriately planned activities

• Ensure a risk assessment strategy is in place for each home based environment that is documented and approved by
the scheme and evidenced in the licensing process to include any poisonous plants.

• Review guidelines to differentiate between what is considered as swimming and what is water play.

• Clarify the powers of entry and building code requirements specific to FDC homes so that there is no confusion with
centre based environments.

• That once an application has been made for a suitability card, visitors should be considered to be suitable until otherwise

Child Care Legislation: Requesting the
House to improve and clarify Child Care