Social housing availability

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Michael Malone
22 Condor Drive
Total Signatures - 833
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Crandon MP
Posting Date: 1/3/2023
Closing Date: 7/5/2023
Tabled Date: 9/5/2023
Responded By: Hon Leeanne Enoch MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House, the desperate need to increase the availability of social housing, on the Northern Gold Coast, as a matter of urgency.

The Northern Gold Coast is under particular stress, with the State Seat of Coomera being the fastest growing Electorate in Queensland, with a population of 60,803 in June 2016 and a population of 87,025 in June 2021, growth of more than 43% over that 5-year period alone (Source: ABS and Qld Treasury estimates). As well, more than 40% of residents rely on rental accommodation.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to do all in its power to ensure the State Government expedites the construction of new social housing to accommodate those Queenslanders in need of this form of accommodation, due to their financial circumstances.