The need to reduce excessive traffic speed and noise throughout Main Beach, in particular night time hooning

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Janette McMaster
4/14 Macarthur Parade
Total Signatures - 393
Sponsoring Member: Mr John-Paul Langbroek MP
Posting Date: 30/8/2022
Closing Date: 28/3/2023
Tabled Date: 29/3/2023
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that residents of Main Beach are currently being affected by the excessive noise projected from non-compliant vehicles within the area. Constituents have expressed difficulties sleeping in the loud environment, alongside concerns about the health and safety of people crossing the road during the day, particularly parents and nippers travelling to the Surf Club.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to ensure the installation of prominent signage that reduces the speed limit along Waterways Drive, Seaworld Drive and Macarthur Parade, Main Beach, from 60 km/hr to 40 km/hr, and install speed cameras in order to enforce the reduced speed limit.