Full inquiry into the perceived corruption in the Queensland Government

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Gary Duffy
47 Blackall Street
Total Signatures - 6780
Sponsoring Member: Mr Steve Andrew MP
Posting Date: 1/2/2022
Closing Date: 10/4/2022
Tabled Date: 10/5/2022
Responded By: Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that the Queensland Government has an obligation to the residents to be open, transparent and at all times act with integrity.

What the residents of Queensland are seeing is that some lobbyist’s hold senior positions within the ALP where they have a say in who can become a future candidate to be a member of parliament in Queensland and in Australia. This is unacceptable to any measure of democracy in any country let-alone Australia.

Australia recorded a score of 73 from 100, the worst corruption index result since Transparency International adopted its current approach to measuring corruption in 2012.

In 2021, two-thirds of surveyed Queensland public servants agreed corruption happens in the state service, according to an anonymous online poll by the CCC.

In 2017 Dr Jim Watterson, Queensland Director-General Department of Education and Training, said in his Foreword to the “Fraud and Corruption Framework” publication: “All departmental staff must demonstrate a commitment to preventing and detecting fraud and corruption. Effective governance arrangements, ethical leadership and decision making, accountability and performance improvement underpin our controls”.

The Queensland Government has failed to demonstrate a commitment to show ethical leadership and decision making when it comes to ethics, transparency and accountability.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to hold a full enquiry into the use of lobbyists, the connections relating to donations from lobbyists and developers, and the use of pressure tactics by politicians on public servants.