Recidivist crime in Goondiwindi, Warwick and other Queensland towns

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
James Lister MP
9 Victoria Street
Total Signatures - 359
Sponsoring Member: Mr James Lister MP
Posting Date: 15/6/2021
Tabled Date: 15/6/2021
Responded By: Hon Shannon Fentiman MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the problem of recidivist crime in the towns of Goondiwindi, Warwick and others throughout the state. 

We believe that:

- the occurrence of break-and-enters, car thefts, vandalisms, assaults, dangerous driving and other crimes has grown due to the repeal of the offence of breach of bail during the first term of the Palaszczuk Government;

- the current criminal law does not result in adequate consequences for offenders, and provides no deterrent whatsoever against breaching their bail conditions;

- the efforts of our police to prevent crime are frustrated by an inadequacy of consequences for repeat offenders;

- good, law-abiding citizens are entitled to protection from those who are not, regardless of how sad offenders’ personal stories and backgrounds may be; 

- the freedoms enjoyed by offenders on bail are a privilege, not a right, and to prevent further criminal acts, offenders should be detained when they breach their bail conditions; and

- the return of the offence of breach of bail in Queensland is an essential step to returning lawfulness to our communities and to protecting the safety and property of law-abiding people.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to legislate to return the offence of breach of bail to Queensland law, and to proscribe sufficient mandatory penalties to ensure that the breach of bail by offenders is effectively deterred.