North Burnett Regional Council, standard of service delivery re water, wastewater, roads and waste

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Rachel Chambers
58 Gordan Street
Total Signatures - 324
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 25/5/2021
Tabled Date: 25/5/2021
Responded By: Hon Dr Steven Miles MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the grave inequities which currently exist for Local Governments to deliver services, and in particular the capacity of the North Burnett Regional Council (NBRC) to deliver, what would be considered by a Queenslander, an adequate level of services.

It is the petitioners’ concern in the pursuit of financial sustainability, NBRC will leave an unsustainable community in its wake.

The current financial system which expects councils to balance their costs with revenue earnt from rates, fees, charges, and levies is unfair, unequal, and socially unjust.

The North Burnett community deserves to know within the next 12 months where the future of its region is headed. Residents deserve answers which may define if they choose to continue to live in the area and tolerate inadequate service delivery standards which have resulted in job losses, impacted liveability, and increased levels of risk to the community.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to define and cost an acceptable Queensland standard of service delivery with regards to water, wastewater, roads, and waste and make the financial sustainability of Queensland Local Government a priority. We also alert the State to one in three Queensland Local Government areas who may share our concerns.