Youth Crime

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Georgie Batty
C/- 17/109 Hold Street
Total Signatures - 1274
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Hart MP
Posting Date: 30/4/2021
Closing Date: 29/8/2021
Tabled Date: 31/8/2021
Responded By: Hon Leanne Linard MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Electors of Burleigh draws to the attention of the House –

The increase of Youth Crime in the electorate of Burleigh involving stolen/unlawful use of motor vehicles, hooning, arson, trespassing, property damage, vandalism, home invasions, drug offences, aggravated assault. Statistic show:

-       25% increase in the average detention of young people.

-       1,526 detention centre admissions, 37% represent first ever admissions, while 63% had served prior time.

-       52% of crimes represent violent behaviour 31% involve property crime including the illegal use of motor vehicles.

-       1% of youth offenders spend more than 12 weeks in detention.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

1)      Change the bail act to:

a.       stop “catch and release” process by refusing bail to youth facing a sentence of 2 years or more.

b.       Repeat offenders should undertake a minimum 6-month diversion program.

2)      Remove distractions from youth detainees including mobile phones, tablets, video games, television and social media.

3)      Seek alternative sentencing such diversion programs (remote work, cadetships).

4)      Child Safety must conduct a home assessment before youth offender can return to home environment.

5)      Support victims of crime.

6)      Parents must be held responsible for crimes of their children.

7)      Investigate functional family therapy to target youth offenders with complex mental health and behavioural problems.