4306 Postcode Classification

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Simone Karandrews
PO Box 7170
Total Signatures - 728
Sponsoring Member: Dr Christian Rowan MP
Posting Date: 29/4/2020
Closing Date: 20/5/2020
Tabled Date: 21/5/2020
Responded By: Hon Cameron Dick MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House Australia Post’s classification of the 4306 postcode as ‘regional’. The suburbs within the 4306 postcode incorporate some of the highest population growth areas within Australia, yet all are classified as ‘regional’.

Residents and businesses suffer significant increased costs and delays with mail and parcel deliveries, increased insurance premiums, difficulties accessing financial lending and social services as well as negative impacts of third party postcode use.

The 4306 postcode comprises of 39 localities and is over 85 kilometres in length, covering multiple local government areas and state and federal electorates. The high population growth of parts of the 4306 postcode necessitates a consideration of change in classification from ‘regional’ to ‘metropolitan’; failure to do so would have negative impacts on the community. Amid the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis, residents area even more reliant on postage services, with deliveries becoming more expensive due to the postcode classification.

Following community pressure in 2017, and a federal parliamentary petition, the northern sector of the 4306 postcode was reallocated by Australia Post and a commitment was made to review the classification of the southern sector. This commitment was dependent on the Australia Post Redbank Processing Centre becoming operational, which has now taken place.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to work in collaboration with the Australian Federal Government and Australia Post as an independent statutory body to ensure that residents’ concerns relating to the classification of the 4306 postcode are addressed.