Endangered wildlife under immediate threat - Save Toowong Creek

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Alex Wills
PO Box 6246
Total Signatures - 163
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 24/10/2019
Tabled Date: 24/10/2019
Responded By: Hon Grace Grace MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House this State Government’s plans to knowingly destroy threatened wildlife and their critical breeding habitat, including that of the threatened Powerful Owl and Tusked Frog by building a massive three storey NorthernGLA building right on the Toowong Creek Wildlife Corridor and doing so unacceptably on the back of an inaccurate, inept, not fit for purpose and flawed ecological report that the Government knows is such. Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch and Education Minister Grace Grace have both been provided clear evidence showing the endangered wildlife directly within the proposed impact area. The State Government failed to follow its own Targeted Species Survey Requirements that exists for the threatened Tusked frog. Their ecologist failed to follow the proper and correct methodology set out for detecting endangered species including surveying at the wrong time of year for detecting frogs. They even fail to enter and survey the proposed development area for that purpose. The Queensland Government has failed to comply with section 5 of the Planning Act, sections 5 and 73 of the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Large dumping of sediment into Toowong Creek has occurred and has been reported in the media. The State Government was prewarned of all these facts last year and yet has done nothing.

Your petitioners therefore request the House immediately move the offending NorthernGLA building out of threatened species habitat (Matters State Environmental Significance) and well away from its proposed location on the Toowong Creek and its 'Buffer Zone'.