End commercial fishing in Deception Bay and declare the area a recreational fishing ground

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
L Bishop
19 Bowden Street
Total Signatures - 150
Sponsoring Member: Dean Wells MP
Posting Date: 17/6/2004
Tabled Date: 15/6/2004
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The following petitioners, residents of the Deception Bay area, would
like to request the cessation of commercial netting in Deception Bay. We
believe the current commercial netting in Deception Bay is causing a loss
of fish stock. especially juvenile fish and crabs, in the area.
Recreational fishers are also disadvantaged by the quantity of the
commercial harvest, and are finding the large amounts of netting to be a
navigational hazard. Deception Bay is a valuable spawning and breeding
ground for fish species in the Moreton Bay area, and contains some
internationally-recognised ecosystems. If Deception Bay is declared a
recreational fishing ground, we believe the area will prove to be more
sustainable nursery for the many valuable fish species in Moreton Bay.

The petitioners therefore request Parliament take action to end
commercial fishing in Deception Bay and declare the area a recreational
fishing ground.