The establishment of a Portfolio and Coordinated Framework for the Protection, Conservation and Maintenance of Queenslands Native Animals, Plants and Habitats (Water and Land based)

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Claire Goldsmith
5 Quince Place
Bonogin QLD 4213
Total Signatures - 1222
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 4/9/2019
Closing Date: 2/3/2020
Tabled Date: 17/3/2020
Responded By: Hon Leeanne Enoch MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Citizens draws to the attention of the House: that within the current political landscape in Queensland there lacks a strong supportive voice for the protection, conservation and maintenance of native plants and animals. Existing legislation which promises to protect wildlife and habit (including land and water-based wildlife and habitats) is piecemeal and uncoordinated under the umbrella of Queensland’s Department of Environment charged with the oversight of this legislation.

An uncoordinated approach to wildlife and habitat protection means that more harm than good is occurring. For example, despite a dedicated department as many as 955 species are facing extinction today against the backdrop of escalating aggressive habitat loss in Queensland. Legislation designed to protect wildlife, biodiversity and habitat is failing significantly. Without a strong protective framework, wildlife and habitat take second place to the strong voice of land developers and resource mining. A committed Minister overseeing the establishment and operation of a dedicated protective framework for our vulnerable plants and wildlife and the habitat that supports them would ensure Queensland’s biodiversity destruction is arrested allowing time for dedicated conservationists to reverse the rapid decline many species are facing.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to: legislate to establish a new portfolio and coordinated framework for the Protection, Conservation and Maintenance of Queensland’s Native Animals, Plants and Habitats that is separate from any portfolio that may operate against these principles and which ensures that these principles override the subject matter of any portfolio that seeks to reduce its effect.