Gladstone to Monto Road, upgrade between Nagoorin and Ubobo

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Tammie Opie
37 Dawes Street
Total Signatures - 128
Sponsoring Member: Mr Colin Boyce MP
Posting Date: 11/6/2019
Tabled Date: 11/6/2019
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the need for the sealing and widening of a section the Gladstone Monto Road. This section is defined as 4.5km of road between Nagoorin and Ubobo, up to and including the township of Ubobo. Electors of the community of the Boyne Valley in the Division of Callide, as well as visiting tourists, make this request. Increased use of the single lane road by heavy haulage vehicles has rendered it unsafe for local residents to use. Unsafe passage through the valley also means that tourism is adversely affected. The narrow road means that when there is an oncoming truck, drivers need to pull off the road. Pulling half the vehicle off the road means the truck also pulls halfway off, creating a danger from flying rocks and other debris. Wet conditions severely increase the level of danger.

Your petitioners therefore request the House call on the Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey, to upgrade the 4.5km stretch of road up to and including the township of Ubobo, with the appropriate road surfacing required for heavy haulage vehicles and it be widened and marked to a 2-lane road as soon as possible.