Consistency in application of discrimination exemptions

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Bruce Vaschina
112/11 West Dianne Street
Total Signatures - 304
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 4/12/2018
Closing Date: 18/4/2019
Tabled Date: 30/4/2019
Responded By: Hon Yvette D'Ath MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that the right of religiously-based schools to employ teaching staff who hold and demonstrate views in line with the founding principles behind the formation of the school is currently being questioned. However, some jurisdictions are also maintaining the right of political parties to only employ staff who hold to the party’s particular political philosophy. Your petitioners believe these two propositions to be fundamentally inconsistent with each other and that the freedom of organisations formed specifically to promote a particular worldview to only employ staff also holding to that particular worldview ought to be maintained.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to affirm the above principle and commit to maintaining it in legal practice.