Expressions of Interests (EOI) for construction of tourist facilities at Hinchinbrook Island, Whitsunday Island and Great Sandy National Parks

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Graeme Bartrim
10/36 Finchley Street
Total Signatures - 3382
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 9/11/2018
Closing Date: 10/2/2019
Tabled Date: 12/2/2019
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that we strongly object to the construction of tourist facilities in Queensland national parks because:
1. It is privatising sections of national park. They are community assets primarily set-aside for biodiversity protection. There should be low-impact public access to national parks.
2. There has been a lack of consultation and engagement. First, there should be a strategic plan for protected area growth and management, including its value to the tourist industry.
3. This is a Conflict of Interest. The Government is partnering with commercial interests, when it is meant to be conserving national park biodiversity. 
4. The Government is inappropriately offering public funds to develop infrastructure on public land, to support private interests.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call upon the Premier and Minister for Environment to:
a) Withdraw the EOI and do not issue approvals for construction of tourist facilities in national parks.
b) Conduct a consultation and engagement process with industry, conservation partners and the public to formulate a strategic plan for protected area growth and management incorporating tourism.
c) Provide evidence that tourist facilities will not compromise national park biodiversity and provide data for examples of successes.
d) Provide an assessment of the long-term economic benefits and opportunities of well managed low-key access to national parks.
e) Explain how the Government will manage the competing priorities of biodiversity conservation, job generation and tourist visitation, and what weighting is given to each.