Unacceptable treatment shown to David Gill of the Mareeba Wild Animal Park

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
L Klingenberg
PO Box 536
Total Signatures - 4701
Sponsoring Member: Rosa Lee Long MP
Posting Date: 22/4/2004
Tabled Date: 21/4/2004
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The Petition of the residents of the Tablelands draws to the attention of
the house the unacceptable treatment shown to David Gill of the Mareeba
Wild Animal Park and the apparent disregard the Department of Natural
Resources, Mines and Energy has shown towards deadlines, and the huge
costs incurred by delays in the arrival of necessary permits. It appears
that the Government is now acting in an obstructive manner towards Mr

Your petitioners therefore request the house to ensure the Department of
Natural Resources, Mines and Energy works with David Gill, by assisting
him in every possible way, to get the Mareeba Wild Animal Park up and
running urgently. This would include the removal of unnecessary permit
conditions such as the castration of critically endangered species. Mr
Gill is about to loose his livelihood due to actions taken by this
government, and many jobs will be lost to this northern region unless
prompt action is taken. This will also severely impact on the welfare and
futures of all the animals now in his care.