Optus Tower Pullenvale

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
David Kent McAdam
398 Grandview Road
Pullenvale QLD 4069
Total Signatures - 41
Sponsoring Member: Dr Christian Rowan MP
Posting Date: 27/4/2018
Closing Date: 30/5/2018
Tabled Date: 12/6/2018
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the construction of a 30 metre phone tower on Grandview Road, Pullenvale. This tower will be 100 metres away from the iconic Pullenvale Hall and directly next to four residential properties. There was an insufficient amount of time allowed for objections and a lack of consultation with local residents. The location of the tower is also extremely close to a watercourse which includes Pullen Pullen Creek catchment. There is also community concern that initial construction has breached DA approval provisions.

Your petitioners therefore, request the House to: call upon the Queensland Government to immediately cease construction and investigate the approvals provided by Brisbane City Council in collaboration with the Department of Transport and Main Roads.