Proposed telecommunications facility, Baratta St, Southport

Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Southport
Principal Petitioner:
Simon Howard
6 The Glen
Total Signatures - 124
Sponsoring Member: Mr Rob Molhoek MP
Posting Date: 26/3/2018
Closing Date: 20/6/2018
Tabled Date: 21/8/2018
Responded By: Hon Grace Grace MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Electors of the Division of Southport draws to the attention of the House the proposed telecommunications facility (35 metre monopole and associated equipment) to be located at Baratta Street, Southport. Application Number: MCU201700984. Particularly the proximity of this proposed facility to the local primary school, Southport State School, and the potential for students, staff and the wider community to be exposed to electromagnetic energy emissions, adversely impacting upon their health.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to bring the matter to the attention of the Gold Coast City Mayor, the Queensland Minister for Education and the Federal Minister for Communications and respectfully ask that they undertake whatever actions are necessary to ensure the proposed facility is moved to a more suitable location, away from the school.