Fix road congestion through and north of Logan Village

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Paul Casbolt
115 Natalie Road
Total Signatures - 1540
Sponsoring Member: Mr Linus Power MP
Posting Date: 15/2/2018
Tabled Date: 15/2/2018
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House to the vehicle congestion on Waterford-Tamborine Road resulting from increasing urbanization around Logan Village, particularly the rapid development of Yarrabilba where over 5,000 of the expected 50,000 residents are now living in this Priority Development Area.

We are very concerned that road-works planned for Waterford-Tamborine Road between Anzac Avenue and Hotz Road, won’t address the current congestion along Waterford-Tamborine Road through and north of Logan Village, particularly as the population in this region continues to grow.

We therefore call on the liinister for Sixain Roads to:

  • Urgently prepare an overall plan with Logan City Council and community consultation, to reduce vehicle congestion on Waterford-Tamborine Road through the township of |Logan Village; then,
  • Progressively implement this overall plan to reduce current and future vehicle congestion as traffic volumes grow, to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists in Logan Village.